COUNT ON SOMEONE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
COUNT ON SOMEONE definition: 1. to be confident that you can depend on someone: 2. to expect something to happen and make plans…. Learn more.
Counting on you - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To put one's trust in someone or something (to do something). We're counting on you to handle this problem, Janet. I know I can count on this old truck to get me anywhere I need to go. Come on, now that we're in office, we have to get things done! The average person counts upon their elected officials to improve things in this world! 3.
we count on you | English examples in context | Ludwig
"we count on you" is correct and usable in written English. You might use it when you want to express to someone that you have faith that they will meet an expectation or fulfill a responsibility. For example: We count on you to finish this project by the deadline.
We're counting on your presence, etc in American English
Aug 8, 2014 · I'm looking for a way to say to somebody that "we're counting (really expecting) them to show up (come) to an event (party) we're having.'' I found three options: " we're counting on your presence", "we're counting on you coming" and "we're counting on you being here ".
we count on your coming vs we count on you coming - TextRanch
Apr 6, 2024 · we count on your coming vs we count on you coming Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'We count on your coming' is more formal and emphasizes the action of coming as belonging to the person.
"Count on" and "Count with" usages - English Language Learners …
Yes, you are correct. It should be 'count on'. The phrase 'to count on' means 'to rely on', while the verb 'count' on it's own, or with the word 'with', means to count, as in 1, 2, 3, 4... etc. 'Count with' basically means 'Count using...' In english there are word combinations that change the meanings of the verbs used.
we are counting on you | English examples in context | Ludwig
The phrase "we are counting on you" is correct and usable in written English. You can use this phrase when you are asking someone to help you out or rely on them for something. For example, "We are counting on you to make sure that the report is finished on time."
Is there any difference in meaning between "I count on you" and …
Oct 13, 2020 · Is there any difference in meaning between I count on you and I'm counting on you? For example: I count on you to come through with what you promised. I'm counting on you to come through with what...
「count on」「 I’m counting on you.」の意味と使い方
May 13, 2022 · I’m counting on you. あなたの今後の活躍を期待している。 I count on your future success. あなたが我々のチームに入ってくれると当てにしているんです。 We are counting on you to join our team. 何をするにしても、私を頼りにしてください。 Whatever you are doing, you can count on me.
ビジネスシーンで使える「count on you」の具体的な使い方を解 …
Oct 3, 2024 · 「count on you」は、日本語で「あなたを信頼する」や「頼りにする」という意味があります。 日常会話からビジネスシーンまで、さまざまな場面で使われます。 このフレーズを使うことで、相手に対する信頼や期待を伝えることができます。 ここでは、「count on you」の具体的な使い方と例文をいくつか紹介します。 ビジネスメールやプレゼンテーション、会議などでの表現も取り上げますので、参考にしてください。 公式なビジネスメールでは、 …
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