Preference of the ACT or SAT by State (Infographic) - College …
Dec 22, 2022 · Some states are heavily ACT oriented–95% in Wisconsin–and others much prefer the SAT–only 10% of students reported taking the ACT there. Other states are pretty much …
Students Who Take the SAT vs. the ACT in Each State
We compared the percentage of students in each state who take the SAT vs. the ACT. Check out our interactive map below to see which exam is most popular in your state! Surprisingly, the …
Average SAT & ACT Scores by State (Participation Adjusted)
Participation rate has a huge impact on state average SAT / ACT scores. In any state, the top students on the SAT/ACT are those most eager to take it, so states with low participation rates …
ACT vs. SAT: How to Decide Which Test to Take - U.S. News
Jan 30, 2024 · The ACT and SAT are widely accepted by U.S. colleges, which often prompts students to ask: Which test should I take? The answer lies in understanding the differences …
Is the ACT or SAT a Graduation Requirement? It Might Be In Your State ...
May 9, 2022 · Is the SAT a graduation requirement for your high school? How about the ACT? Which states require the SAT/ACT? We've got the most up to date answers.
SAT vs ACT: Popularity by State | Get Help from SchoolTutoring …
Nov 27, 2013 · SAT vs ACT: Popularity by State While it is common for students to take both the SAT and ACT, historically the SAT has been the test of choice on both the East and West …
ACT vs SAT - What’s the Difference?
What are the ACT and SAT? The ACT and SAT are the two most widely recognized standardized tests used in the college admissions process in the United States. The ACT is an assessment …
SAT vs. ACT: Which Test Should I Take? - College Board
Deciding whether to take the SAT vs. the ACT can be challenging. Compare the pros and cons, including timing, content, and scoring, and discover why the SAT is the better choice for you.
Which States Require the ACT? Full List and Advice - PrepScholar
Which states in the US require you to take the ACT as part of high school? Why is the ACT mandatory and what does that mean for you? Learn more here.
Which States Require the ACT® or SAT® Test for Graduation?
As of January 2025, 25 states require students to take either the ACT or SAT tests. In most cases, students take these tests in 11th grade and use results to determine graduation …