Randolph County Missouri
Randolph County Courthouse 372 Hwy. JJ, Huntsville Mo. 65259 Toll Free (844) 277-6555
Assessor | Randolph County Courthouse
The County of Randolph and the Assessor’s Office do not provide any guarantee, nor liability assumed, as to the accuracy or reliability of any data posted. New values for real estate property are certified to the County Clerk by July 1, annually.
Departments | Randolph County Courthouse
Assessor Associate Circuit Judge Circuit Clerk Collector Coroner County Clerk County Commission Emergency Management Local Emergency Planning Committee Presiding Circuit Judge Prosecuting Attorney Public Administrator Recorder of Deeds Road & Bridge Department Sheriff Treasurer
Circuit Clerk | Randolph County Courthouse
Michelle Chapman Circuit Clerk 372 Hwy JJ, Suite 1A Huntsville, MO 65259 Office Hours: Weekdays – 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Telephone:844-277-6555 EXT 400 E-mail Address: [email protected]
County Commission | Randolph County Courthouse
The Commission normally meets each Tuesday and Wednesday at the Randolph County Courthouse (372 Highway JJ) beginning at 9 a.m. Depending on circumstances, meeting hours will vary. Please see each week’s agenda for hours. The meetings are open to the public and you are invited to attend.
Associate Circuit Judge | Randolph County Courthouse
James Cooksey Associate Circuit Judge 372 Hwy JJ, Suite 1D Huntsville, MO 65259 Telephone: 844-277-6555 EXT 400 Office Hours: Weekdays – 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Public Administrator | Randolph County Courthouse
Mary Jo Colley Randolph County Public Administrator 372 Highway JJ Ste 1E Huntsville, MO 65259-1292 Office Hours: Weekdays – 8:00am to 4:00pm Telephone: 844-277-6555 EXT 510 Emergency only Cell Number: 660-651-9049 Fax: 660-263-1296 E-mail Address: [email protected]
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County Ordinances | Randolph County Courthouse
Utility Ordinance Ordinance for UTV/Golf Cart use Drone (Unmanned Aircraft) Ordinance Waste Water Ordinance Solid Waste Ordinance Randolph County Utility Permit Application Establishing Funding For Victims of Domestic Violence Via Recorder of Deeds Ordinance
Utiltiy Ordinance | Randolph County Courthouse
Randolph County encourages the safe and responsible construction and operation of utility lines for energy and commerce and other crossings of county roads. This ordinance is designed to empower the county to provide regulations and penalties for misuse that blocks or endangers roads and crossings and public safety, while protecting and ...