Pilonidal sinus | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Aug 18, 2024 · Pilonidal sinuses are characterized by natal cleft suppuration and are thought to initially result from a hair follicle infection. This can then lead to the subsequent formation of a subcutaneous abscess from a persistent folliculitis .
Pilonidal sinus | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
Kabra U, Pilonidal sinus. Case study, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 22 Mar 2025) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-69869
Pilonidal sinus (intergluteal) - MRI | Radiology Case
Abdomen. Perianal, pilonidal by Mohamed Saber Unlisted playlists. This case is used in 3 unlisted playlists.
Pilonidal sinus (intergluteal) | Radiology Case - Radiopaedia.org
Babu V, Pilonidal sinus (intergluteal). Case study, Radiopaedia.org (Accessed on 22 Mar 2025) https://doi.org/10.53347/rID-57299
Pilonidal sinus | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
Ovoid structure measuring 14 x 15 x 31 mm in the natal cleft, approximately 4 cm above the anal verge, with dense content and thin, enhancing rim, most consistent with pilonidal sinus. Case Discussion
Pilonidal sinus with abscess formation | Radiology Case
Pilonidal sinus with abscess containing hair follicle. Hair follicles are also seen out side abscess in tiny tracts. 1 article features images from this case
Pilonidal sinus | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
MRI features of a pilonidal sinus with surrounding inflammatory fat change. Pilonidal sinuses result from skin and subcutaneous tissue infections, typically occurring at or near the upper part of the natal (gluteal) cleft of the buttocks.
Dermoid cyst | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Dec 25, 2024 · Dermoid cysts are cysts that contain skin elements including squamous epithelium and dermal appendages , such as sebaceous and sweat glands and hair. They are discussed separately according to anatomic location: intracranial dermoid cyst. orbital dermoid cyst. spinal dermoid cyst. ovarian dermoid cyst. Pathology
Perineal epidermoid cyst | Radiology Case | Radiopaedia.org
MRI features of a well-circumscribed perineal cystic lesion with restricted diffusion most consistent with an epidermoid cyst. Perineal epidermoid cysts are very rare and only a few cases were reported in the literature 1,2. The main differential diagnosis includes: perineal abscess; tailgut cyst; pilonidal cyst ; anal duct/gland cysts; benign ...
Pilonidal sinus fistulography | Radiology Case - Radiopaedia.org
Pilonidal disease is a common condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissue at or near the upper part of the natal cleft. While the natal cleft is the most common site of disease, other areas of the body such as the umbilicus and interdigital spaces can be affected.