Hot tapping is an alternative technique that allows the connection to be made without shutting down the system and venting gas to the atmosphere. Hot tapping is also referred to as line tapping, pressure tapping, pressure cutting, and side cutting.
Lessons Learned During Use of Hot Taps For In-Service Natural Gas ...
Hot tapping allows new ties in the system and the use of any device in the pipeline with no impact on the gas flow. Hot tapping is also easy because its equipment is available for any pipe size and material. The basic tools required for hot tapping are drilling machines, branch fitting and valves for …
What is Hot Tapping on Pipe? - What Is Piping
Hot-tapping is a method of making connections to piping (or other equipment) by attaching a fitting to the system, usually by welding, followed by cutting through the pipe wall at the point of attachment utilizing a hot-tapping machine.
Pipeline Hot Taps | US EPA - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Jul 9, 2024 · Hot tapping is a technique that allows a pipeline connection to be made without shutting down the system and venting gas to the atmosphere. Hot tapping is also referred to as line tapping, pressure tapping, pressure cutting, or side cutting.
This publication is designed to provide a better understanding of the problems and haz-ards encountered when installing hot tap connections on piping, vessels or tanks containing flammable or combustible liquids or gases.
Safe, Efficient Pipeline Hot Tapping | T.D. Williamson
TDW Hot Tapping Systems: Versatile Solutions for Any Pipeline Size and Material. TDW offers over a dozen hot tapping configurations that cover any and all types of pipelines, from steel to polyethylene (PE), and sizes ranging from half-inch taps to 108-inch taps.
Hot Tapping: A Comprehensive Guide to Procedures ... - Safety …
Hot Tapping poses certain hazards that need to be addressed for a safe operation. Some of the major potential hazards include: Risk of fire or explosion due to the presence of flammable substances in the pipeline. Exposure to hazardous chemicals, gases, or vapors during the hot tapping process.
Introduction to Hot Tapping in Piping - The Process Piping
Jun 26, 2018 · Hot tapping is the technique used to attach a branch connection to a pipe while the system is in service, and then creating an opening in that pipe by drilling or cutting. While hot taps are most often done in piping system, they may also be done on pressure vessels and storage tanks to add nozzles.
What You Need To Know About Hot Tapping a Gas Line
Among these techniques, hot tapping has emerged as a versatile and dependable method for integrating and modifying pipelines without disrupting the flow of the pipeline. To ensure the success and safety of your pipeline projects, explore what you need to …
Hot Tapping Solutions – Tap Master Group of Companies
Hot tapping is a live pressure tie in to a water or gas system. Hot tapping is an alternative technique that allows a point of connection to be without shutting down the system. Hot tapping is also referred to as line tapping, pressure tapping, wet tapping and side tapping.