Pelagornithidae - Wikipedia
The Pelagornithidae, commonly called pelagornithids, pseudodontorns, bony-toothed birds, false-toothed birds or pseudotooth birds, are a prehistoric family of large seabirds. Their fossil …
Giant, Toothed Birds Once Ruled The Skies - Science Friday
Jan 8, 2021 · New research, published in Scientific Reports late last year, reveals that by the time the pelagornithids had been around for 12 million years, they’d already evolved to gigantic …
Scientists Reveal What May Be the Largest Flying Bird Ever
Oct 26, 2020 · By 50 million years ago, there were bony-toothed birds from the size of a modern-day albatross to giants with wingspans twice as wide. The next closet fossil contender is an …
Extinct giant seabirds had 21-foot wingspans - BirdWatching
Sep 12, 2024 · The new research documents that these extinct, predatory, large- and giant-sized bony-toothed birds were part of the Antarctic ecosystem for over 10 million years, flying side …
Bizarre, Giant Birds Once Ruled the Skies - Scientific American
May 1, 2017 · Birds lost the ability to form teeth more than 65 million years ago. But pelagornithids evolved a work-around.
Earliest fossils of giant-sized bony-toothed birds (Aves ... - Nature
Oct 26, 2020 · Bony-toothed birds (Odontopterygiformes: Pelagornithidae) are an extinct clade of large, pelagic, volant birds with a fossil record spanning from the late Paleocene to the late …
Paleontologists Describe What May Be the Largest Bird Species in History
Oct 27, 2020 · Millions of years ago, Antarctica was home to several species of bony-toothed birds or pelagornithid. Researchers from the University of Berkeley and the Chinese Academy …
Giant ‘toothed’ birds flew over Antarctica 40 million to 50 …
Oct 27, 2020 · Paleontologists have discovered fossil remains belonging to an enormous ‘toothed’ bird that lived for a period of about 60 million years after dinosaurs.
Meet the giant bony-toothed bird that ruled Antarctica - The …
Oct 31, 2020 · Reigning supreme at that time was a group of giant birds called pelagornithids – or bony-toothed birds – the biggest of which, according to fossil records, had a wingspan up to …
Giant bony-toothed bird fossil found - Australian Geographic
Jun 29, 2012 · BIZARRE GIANT BONY-TOOTHED birds once soared over Australia, palaeontologists have discovered. The Pelagornis, with a wingspan of 5m, was the largest …