Funniest dog names ever | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Jan 7, 2012 · I knew a dog named Pig. And someone with a cat named Dog and dog named Cat. And I think every Great Dane I've met has had funny names like Bob Seger and John Paul. I'm trying to remember the name of a dane at the dog park that is also named after someone and has two names like those other two..
funny dog names? | Page 2 | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Feb 28, 2014 · General Dog Forums. Dog Training Forum. funny dog names?
Funniest dog names ever | Page 3 | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Jan 9, 2012 · General Dog Forums. General Dog Forum. Funniest dog names ever
Politically Incorrect Pet Names | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Mar 26, 2015 · Well, sorry, dogs get names and sometimes people have the same names. If they think having a dog named the same as you is insulting that's their problem. Unless someone is deliberately naming their dog after you in a bad way (I did actually know a guy who named his dog after his ex because "she's a bitch") there's nothing insulting about it.
Names sounding alike? | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Nov 5, 2010 · The funny thing is Charlie has been an only dog for 9 years and pretty much responds to all of Hank's commands anyways, go figure. I like Freya, it's a great name and the best thing about a puppy is you coould try it out and see how it works for you and always change it …
Alaunt (Alaunt dog) | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Nov 2, 2018 · Alaunt and its origins (the "gripping dog myth") When the original Alaunts (alaunt dogs) were „multi-purpose dogs“ of the Alani people and were of Sarmatian, Scythian and Alani origin, a Caucasian Volkodav of this phenotype (many lines don´t have this phenotype) is likely pretty close to a type of dog, some people consider as „ancestral type of gripping dog“, where …
Funny Dog Ads | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Jul 17, 2007 · Funny Dog Ads Jump to Latest Follow 760 views 2 replies 3 participants last post by lovemygreys Jul 17, 2007
Are there rules on AKC dog names? | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
Apr 24, 2011 · I've never had a purebred dog before--all my previous dogs have been from the animal shelter. I received the paperwork for my puppy and noticed his parents names aren't like normal dog names. I generally give my dogs "people names"--my puppy is Tucker Cody Davis. Are there rules about the names you register a dog with?
Pedigree Dog Names | Puppy Forum and Dog Forums
May 20, 2013 · Out of curiousity, is your dog a pedigree? If so, what is his/her registered name? Mine is a pedigree English Springer Spaniel bitch, reg'd name Princess Dixie Roo & regular name is Tilly I'm not fussed about having a purebred dog by the way, this is merely me being nosey/getting to know...
mastiff with baby shit tzu just taken -funny - Puppy Forum and …
Jan 15, 2009 · heres some photos i just took lol was a funny morning cats and all dogs and teen all sitting on couch , bubba was doing the typical mastiff thing... rub my belly rub my belly and letting the puppies walk all over him, and then he decided to use the little slide i made for the puppies to get up...