Flint Knapping Supplies, Tools, Rock - HuntPrimitive
Everything you need for your Flint knapping supplies! Starter kits, copper & antler tools, and many types of flint, chert, obsidian, coral.
Flintknapping Stone - Spalls, Flakes, & Raw Rock | GoKnapping.com
Popular varieties of flint, chert, and volcanic glass for flint knapping. Expertly spalled, graded, heated, and cleaned stone for lithic reduction.
Flintknapping Stone – Flintknapping traditions
We do our best to provide a verity of different high quality raw and heat-treated rock for flintknapping including whole nodules, spalls, bifaces and preforms. our flintknapping stone comes from a verity of areas across the USA and the world.
KnapEasy Rock - HuntPrimitive
KnapEasy Rock is specially formulated and designed exclusively for flintknapping, creating an easy knapping experience for beginners and experts alike. The spalls are designed to create ideal platforms for easy flake removal and strategy with minimal waste.
Whole Rock - Flintknapping Supplies, LLC
Contact us today to see how we can get you set up with the finest quality knapping supplies! Whole rock for spalling and sawing.
Flintknapping Stone - Rock by the pound | GoKnapping.com
Varieties of flint, chert, and volcanic glass for flint knapping. Spalls, flakes, and raw rock sold by the pound selected specially for lithic reduction.
Flint Knapping Kits and Rock Combos - HuntPrimitive
Our Flint Knapping Kits include all the tools you'll need and a mix of great knapping rock. With these kits, you'll be knapping in no time!
Flintknapping Stone & Knapping Spalls Knapping Flint Chert, …
Click here to learn more about "spalls" and knapping stones... More lithic choices are now available! Our Flint Has Moved To Better Serve You!
Flintknapping Traditions
flintknapping supplies and finished neolithic art including flintknapping stone, leg pads, tools, stone knives, stone blades, stone arrowheads, stone knife kits and much more.
How to Flintknap (Step by Step, With Photos) - Survival Sullivan
Mar 26, 2018 · The flint knapping process step by step with pictures. Learn how to easily make beautiful primitive arrowheads.