Delaware County
A BURN BAN HAS BEEN SET IN DELAWARE COUNTY FROM 8:30 A.M. MARCH 13 UNTIL 8:30 A.M. MARCH 27. Menu. Offices. List all; ... Meet the County Officials. David Poindexter Commissioner ... Karma Sapp Court Clerk. County Sheriff. Commissioner District 1. Election Board. Delaware County. 327 S 5th Street, Jay, OK, 74346. Offices. Commissioner District ...
Delaware County - OKCounties.org
Located in northeastern Oklahoma, Delaware County is bordered on the east by McDonald County, Missouri, and Benton County, Arkansas, on the south by Adair and Cherokee counties, on the west by Mayes and Craig counties, and on the north by Ottawa County.
County Assessor - OKCounties.org
Prepares the assessment roll and delivers it to the County Board of Equalization for approval; Checks all exemptions; Delivers the tax roll to the County Treasurer for collection; Undergoes compliance checks by the Oklahoma Tax Commission
County Clerk - OKCounties.org
A group of students in Delaware County Rural School #64 in 1951. Contact. Main. 918.253.4520 (phone) 918.253.8352 (fax) [email protected]. Address. 327 S 5th St, Jay, OK 74346. Mailing Address. Delaware County Clerk. PO Box 309, Jay, OK, 74346. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 to 4:30. County Clerk Pages. Office Homepage; Office Fees ...
Delaware County - OKCounties.org
A BURN BAN HAS BEEN SET IN DELAWARE COUNTY FROM 8:30 A.M. MARCH 13 UNTIL 8:30 A.M. MARCH 27. Menu. Offices. List all; Commissioner District 1; Commissioner District 2; Commissioner District 3 ... OK 74344. 918.353.2041. Election Board. The Election Board Secretary's Office. 225 S 5th St, Jay, OK 74346. 918.253.8762. Delaware County. 327 S 5th ...
Court Clerk - OKCounties.org
Held accountable to the Oklahoma Court Administrator's Office and the Oklahoma Supreme Court
Public Meetings - OKCounties.org
Because of the large amount of business confronting county government, meetings are often held more frequently and an agenda for each meeting is posted in advance at the courthouse. The Board of County Commissioners' business meetings are open to the public and must comply with the Open Meeting Act.
County Treasurer - OKCounties.org
Accepts all deposits under guidelines set out in Oklahoma statutes; Collects and apportions all ad valorem taxes for the county and its subdivisions; Serves as the financial officer for county government; Prepares financial statements and financial records for …
County Sheriff - OKCounties.org
Preserves the peace and protects life and property within the county's jurisdiction; Has power and authority to operate the County Jail; Has authority to apprehend and secure persons charged with a felony or breach of peace; Serves warrants and processes papers ordered by the District Court
County Clerk - delaware.okcounties.org
an open house and ribbon cutting will be held march 17 at 2 p.m. at delaware county e911 dispatch center, 432 s. 9th st., jay.