[all] Differences between calypso in pj and mythology.
Mar 14, 2024 · The official subreddit dedicated to the #1 best selling saga "Percy Jackson And The Olympians" by author Rick Riordan and made for Television on Disney Plus. Featuring instant news, lively discussions, speculation, and fan art; all focused on the adaptation of the beloved fantasy series.
Calypso and percy kinda wierd : r/camphalfblood - Reddit
Calypso definitely doesn’t think that she is still a teenager. In BotL, she told Percy that Hephaestus and Hermes tell her how much the mortal world has changed. It can be inferred that this also includes how much time has passed. She also says something along the lines of, “For thousands of years, the gods have sent me heroes.”
What really happened with Calypso's curse. : r/camphalfblood
May 1, 2020 · Calypso did something that based on our impression of her seemed rash.(weather or not is a misimpression is besides the point because as of TTT we have not gotten a re-characterization to say Percy was wrong about her temperament through her interactions with Leo) I was just trying to provide a plausible in universe explanation with what we got.
Calypso's physical description [PJO] : r/camphalfblood - Reddit
Nov 11, 2023 · Then you have Rachel's physical description in the Last Olympian, the chapter where she and Percy was driving together: "I could tell something was bothering her, but she put on a brave smile. The sunlight made her hair look like fire". However, my most favorite would probably be Calypso's physical description:
percy jackson - Why was Calypso still trapped on Ogygia?
Feb 15, 2017 · Percy Jackson & the Olympians, book 1: The Lightning Thief, chapter 8: "We Capture A Flag" But Percy mentions in The Blood of Olympus that he didn't check in on them, and the gods tend to forget things (I'm absolutely sure there's a quote about this somewhere, but I can't pull it up at the moment for some reason). "Hey," Percy said.
Do you blame Percy for abandoning Calypso? [general] - Reddit
To me I always read that bit as calypso being bitter towards percy and the curse was more a “I hope that you can never be there for annabeth when she needs you” so It wasn’t a curse towards annabeth but towards percy that involved annabeth plus I always figured she cast It following the labyrinth or before she found out she was free of her curse
Does Leo Valdez ever come back in Percy Jackson?
Jul 8, 2017 · Originally announced by Rick Riordan at his event for the release of Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, all of the major characters from Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The Heroes of Olympus will be revisited - including Leo. And, in The Trials of Apollo, he does come back - and people set up a ticket line for people to punch him.
[general] why do so many people dislike calypso? : …
As soon as Calypso entered the chat, all of Leo's thoughts were on her. He didn't think of his friends, his new family, his mom, or anyone else. He though about Calypso and Calypso alone and that grated on my every nerve whenever I read his PoV in BoO. Then there's the whole blaming Percy thing, which is just beyond annoying after a while
Was Leo a “2nd choice” for Calypso? [all] : r/camphalfblood - Reddit
Sep 20, 2021 · Calypso pursuing Percy and being rejected, then immediately transferring her emotions to Leo without struggle or consequence? That would have struck me as a second choice situation. Continued unrequited feelings, unprocessed and raw, underpinning the new relationship? Reeks of second choices and bad decisions.
Does anyone else really hate calypso and Leo as a couple?[hoo]
A place for all demigods and fans of Rick Riordan's books and media to celebrate and discuss Percy Jackson and the rest of the Riordanverse. Members Online Something Apollo said didnt age well.[TOA]