Recreating Medieval English Ales - Northern Brewer Forum
Nov 15, 2014 · (a recreation of late 13th - 14th c. unhopped English ales) (designed and brewed by Tofi Kerthjalfadsson, Sept. 23rd – Dec. 28th, 1998) In medieval England, ale was an alcoholic drink made from grain, water, and fermented with yeast. The difference between medieval ale and beer was that beer also used hops as an ingredient. Virtually everyone drank ale. It provided significant nutrition as ...
Beginning Wine Making - Winemaking - Northern Brewer Forum
Dec 31, 2015 · I have been extract brewing for almost two years now and at the request of my wife, am looking into wine making. My main question is, what further equipment would I need to buy in order to attempt my first batch. I have all the basic equipment you would use for extract brewing, including 3 glass carboys. Is it wise to buy new carboys/buckets to use solely for wine or am I ok using the same ...
Oxiclean - Northern Brewer General - Northern Brewer Forum
May 27, 2012 · Many have mentioned in a variety of posts using Oxiclean for cleaning bottles, carboys, and other gear. Are we talking straight off the shelf Oxiclean in your laundry aisle? I love the stuff for other home purposes, but I am cautious using this on items that are touching food even after a good rinse due to the taste it might leave. What proportions are suggested when mixing with water?
Losing all hope...not an overexaggeration - Yeast & Fermentation ...
Mar 28, 2015 · Let me say that I am not a quitter, but my last five or six batches have been bad. I am to the point where I want to quit making beer since I’ve had mostly failed batches for this entire year. Here’s the best I can summarize: Starting at the end of the summer, I had 3-4 batches taste bad. The best I could describe to my homebrewing group was that it …
Beer Accounting 101 - Northern Brewer Forum
Oct 19, 2012 · I already had most of the equipment from wine making…I did buy a Fiz-Giz. (Great little device) With tax here in Kentucky, the “Beast” costs about $.62/beer in the case. My first batch came out to be under $.50/beer and my second batch should be a little less than that as i went with tap water instead of bottled.
All grain vs extract - Northern Brewer Forum
Apr 25, 2016 · Sure you can make great beer doing extract. The hard part is done fore you . Buy a good clone kit, follow the recipe, good fermentation schedule and your good. More variables in all grain. If you just want to make beer extract is the way to go. If you really want to make beer you have to forget about kits and go all grain.
Black residue from cleaning the boil kettle
Sep 18, 2013 · I purchased a heavy duty 15 gallon stainless kettle from a well known beer making supply store in California last May. The problem I have with it is every time I clean the kettle and wipe it out with paper towels, the towels are picking up this black residue. I used this kettle 10 times so far and clean it out with PBW then Starsan,then a final fresh water rinse every time. Most of …
Sanitizing Bottles with StarSan - Northern Brewer Forum
Jan 26, 2018 · In general, sanitation is much less stringent when making wine. So whatever you do for beer you can do with winemaking. grizfan20 March 20, 2018, 7:32pm
Do I need to rinse bottles sanitized with Potassium Metabisulfite ...
Jan 24, 2016 · This is my third season of making kits and I AM BY NO MEANS an expert. I always let them drip dry and do not rinse. I asked the same question in the beginning and some one told me that little bit of Kmeta will actually be good for the wine to age in. It has never failed me yet making 8 kits per season for the last 3 years.
Hop Utilization - Beer Recipe Design - Northern Brewer Forum
Jan 8, 2017 · Alright, I’m having a hard time here… I’m trying to calculate how many ounces of hops to use to reach a KNOWN IBU. However, all the equations I come across are the other way around, i.e. you have a known amount of hops and you’re looking to determine the IBUs. I know it’s just a simple re-arranging of the equation, but my math skills have gone out the window, apparently, and I can ...