Tragic crash yesterday evening in Castelfranco, in the Modena area, where a 55-year-old originally from Nuoro, Alberto Urru, lost his life. According to initial investigations carried out on site ...
The preliminary hearings took place yesterday and confirmed the restrictive measures for two very young people, an adult and a minor, who will be placed in a community after being responsible for ...
The National Archaeological Museum Antiquarium Turritano and its area of Palazzo di re Barbaro will respect the extraordinary opening on New Year's Day, January 1st, from 9 am to 1 pm. It will be ...
"From the Government measures to protect port workers in Cagliari, Taranto and Gioia Tauro and concrete support through the GOL Program for the relocation of those with an active solidarity ...
The program is quickly made. Children will also be involved in the “New Year's Eve Party”, on December 31, under the Regional Council Building. This was decided on Sunday in Santa Giusta ...
A man born in 1955 – Salvatore Grandi – is the victim of the fire that broke out on Monday evening in an apartment in via Amedeo Nazzari, in Sassari, in the Monte Rosello district. The man ...
In one year, 20,000 more people have turned to Caritas in Cagliari, the soup kitchen on Viale Fra Ignazio alone has provided 121,000 meals La presentazione del Dossier Caritas 2024 sulla povertà.
L’appello di una giovane: «Era vicino al nostro cancello, in un’area privata: chi l’ha preso lo restituisca e pensi al danno ...
Nel girone A di Terza categoria, la nona giornata ha registrato il tracollo dell’ex capolista Barbusi, travolta (8-0) e ...
Giulia e Roberta arrivano da fuori città. Le hanno portate i genitori, che poi le salutano dandosi appuntamento a fine show, ...
Il contenuto dettagliato della delibera non è ancora noto, perché il documento non è consultabile sul sito ufficiale. Ma una ...
È morto a 83 anni per un malore Cesare Ragazzi, imprenditore e volto televisivo degli anni '80, grazie alla sua azienda ...