With fighters from the M23 rebel movement appearing poised to enter the city of Goma, the U.N. Security Council met a day early on Sunday to discuss the fighting, in which three U.N. peacekeepers have ...
It threatened "disciplinary action" for any staff ignoring the administration's orders. A sharply-worded memo sent on Saturday to more than 10,000 staff at USAID offered further guidance to Friday’s ...
The U.S. Commerce Department and FBI are both investigating a little-known telecoms hardware firm founded by senior Huawei veterans in China over possible security risks, sources and documents show.
U.S. President Donald Trump's supporters on Monday praised his swift executive actions upon his return to the White House, while critics derided his planned mass deportations and a rollback in ...
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
Russia and Syria will hold further talks over Russian military bases in Syria, Russia's news agencies reported late on Tuesday, citing Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov after his talks ...
The U.S. Department of Education said on Tuesday it was investigating whether the Denver school system discriminated against women and girls by converting a female bathroom into one for all genders. G ...
公務員事務局長楊何蓓茵在社交網頁表示, 啟德體育園將在今年第一季正式啟用, 以及將在11月舉行第十五屆全國運動會及全國殘疾人運動會. 這兩項大事將向全國人民和世界展現本港打造集體育、 娛樂和演唱會於一身的新硬件, 以及承辦大型比賽能力的強大軟實力. 公務員團隊必會全力支持和參與事前的演練和籌備工作, 務求完善各項細節安排. 楊何蓓茵又向市民拜年, 祝願蛇年萬事如意, 生活幸福美滿, 新一年百業興旺 ...
不少市民在大年初一到大埔林村拋寶牒許願, 祈求蛇年順境. 林村許願廣場今年第二年舉辦 「許願夜市」, 由年初一至初七, 由晚上七時至十時舉行, 現場會有多個攤檔, 同時會有夜光許願樹讓遊人打卡. 新春期間除了在許願樹前拋寶牒許願, 亦可欣賞「新春國際匯演之夜」多輛特色主題花車. 花車在參加完今晚的巡遊匯演後, 會在明日大年初二至年十六, 即2月13日, 在林村許願廣場展出. 而大年初二及大年初三, ...
大批善信到黃大仙祠上香祈求蛇年順境. 黃大仙祠在年廿九通宵開放至今日大年初一晚上9點, 祠內不設求籤區、跪拜區及供品區. 在大年初二至十四, 即是1月30日至2月11日, 由早上七時半開放至下午六時, 正月十五元宵節即2月12日延長開放至晚上九時. 新春期間黃大仙祠會實施單向參神路線及人潮管制措施, 祠方呼籲善信跟隨工作人員指示.
原子能科學家將「末日鐘」指針調到距午夜剩89秒的位置, 是史上最接近午夜的時刻. 總部設在美國芝加哥的非牟利組織「原子科學家公報」的科學安全委員會, 以俄羅斯威脅在烏克蘭戰事中動用核武、 北京加強向台灣施壓, 以及北韓持續試射導彈等原因, 將「末日鐘」指針自去年的位置, 再向前撥快1秒, 去到距離象徵毀滅點的午夜僅剩89秒. 委員會說, 這是對全球領袖的一個警告, 又說, 將世界從懸崖邊緣拉回來的 ...
天水圍有單位拖板短路引致火警, 兩名男子吸入濃煙不適送院, 超過200人疏散. 凌晨4點幾, 天華邨華逸樓低層一個單位起火, 冒出濃煙及火舌. 消防接報到場, 開喉灌救, 約半小時後將火救熄. 火警中, 兩名男住戶吸入濃煙不適, 清醒被送往天水圍醫院治理, 超過200人疏散到安全地方. 消防初步調查後, 相信是單位內的拖板短路引致火警, 認為起火原因無可疑.