Cats have long held a special place in human culture, from the ancient Egyptians who revered them as sacred beings to the ...
Sometimes all you need is a fruit-shaped throw pillow, a Godzilla microwave cleaner, or a tiny violin keychain that plays ...
Zoo penguins are being helped with rocks painted by children in the hospital in a heartwarming program. Originally published on, part of the BLOX Digital Content Exchange.
Zoo penguins are being helped with rocks painted by children in the hospital in a heartwarming program. The rocks were colored by kids being supported by Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (ECHC) ...
It’s looking like the farm supervisor — our barn cat Boo — has retired. She is 13 now, and has spent the winter on her favorite wool blanket that sits atop a heat lamp box that I made for ...
Harris County Constable Precinct 1 Facebook Page Texas police and wildlife agencies are investigating how a serval, a wild cat species native to Africa, ended up in a Houston garage with a cone ...
Fiona is a loving cat who adores chin scratches. Photo grab from Humane Society for Hamilton County (Indiana)'s Facebook page A senior cat with plenty of love left in her tank needs a new home ...
"It’s so whimsical.”But this strawberry didn’t ... minimalist aesthetics – including the "billions of cans of grey paint everyone was using forever” – and embracing kitsch.
I have been a cat volunteer at Los Angeles city shelters (first North Central and currently Chesterfield Square / South L.A.) for many years, and there seems to be a lot of confusion about this ...
Things explode, Tom loses his fur for a while, Jerry hides in a glove, Tom falls from a great height, and Tom has great trouble with a rock-and-girder see-saw.