There’s more to bird migration patterns than meets the eye. Learn when and how birds migrate and discover which species makes ...
Thousands of robins and cedar waxwing birds roost Tuesday south of Langston Hughes School, near the western end of Bob Billings Parkway. The influx of birds has attracted the attention of KU ...
The cedar waxwing is easily found in open habitat where there are berries. It times its nesting to coincide with summer berry production, putting it among the latest of North American birds to nest.
Q: The crabapple tree in my backyard was visited today by the most amazing looking birds. They were sort of ... our most handsome songbirds, the cedar waxwing, named for the waxy-looking red ...
In winter, family flocks join up with other tits as they search for food. The waxwing is a plump bird, which is slightly smaller than a starling. It has a big crest and is reddish-brown with a ...