During the 76th Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi, the Indian Air Force showcased an impressive air display featuring 40 aircraft and helicopters. The event included stunning formations such as ...
Donald Trump's move to block diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives has led to the US Air Force removing material ...
A video on the pioneering Black pilots, famed for their World War II exploits, was stripped from an Air Force basic training ...
The Air Force, like other branches, has recently tried to broaden the number of people they reach to consider military careers that historically have had few minority service members in their ranks.
The Air Force has removed a part of their curriculum that discusses the Tuskegee Airmen in order to comply with the executive ...
President Donald Trump hasn’t been shy about sharing his thoughts since taking office. On Saturday night, he added a ...
Trump's executive order halting DEI means the Air Force no longer teaches recruits about WWII's Tuskegee Airmen and the Women ...