Be careful if you sell online. The IRS may know a lot more about your side hustle this tax season. And it is cracking down on those who fail to report the added income.
When you will receive your tax refund depends largely on when you file and whether you file online, through a service, or via ...
About 75,000 federal workers took a buyout deal from the Trump administration. The terms are different for some IRS employees. Learn more here.
Several people briefed on the matter said cuts to the IRS cuts numbering in the thousands. One target is tax collections.
Officials from the Office of Personnel Management, which oversees federal hiring, ordered all agencies on Thursday to dismiss their probationary employees, who are newer to their positions and do not ...
The deadline for federal workers to accept OPM's buyout offer was on Feb. 6, but terms of resignation are different for IRS workers during tax season.
An eligibility check on the website indicates that Hawaii is not one of the 25 states participating in the “IRS Direct File ” online income tax filing program for federal returns. Why not, and ...
The three-year rule could play a role in your ability to claim tax money that you're owed by the IRS. Pamela Albin Moore/ .
Taxpayers Urged to Remain Vigilant Against Tax Fraud, Identity Theft, and Unscrupulous Preparers ...
You could receive Form 1099-K for business payments from Venmo or PayPal this season. Here’s what taxpayers need to know.
This upcoming weekend is Presidents Day weekend, a time full of sales and deals. It also, according to the Internal Revenue ...
As tax season approaches, many homeowners find themselves sifting through receipts and financial documents, searching for ...