Routine thyroid testing may not be necessary among patients with constipation or diarrhea who do not have systemic manifestations of thyroid disease.
Here are the healthcare professionals you should have on your thyroid eye disease care team, and how each expert can help you ...
Dr Ronald Goldenberg MD, FRCPC, FACE, Endocrinologist explains what hypothyroidism is and how it can affect a person.
Elevated thyrotropin levels were associated with an increased risk for depression, especially among women and those with hypothyroidism.
Sudan: A recent meta-analysis has shed light on thyroid function abnormalities in individuals with sickle cell disease (SCD), ...
The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland at the base of the neck, regulates metabolism, energy levels, digestion, and ...
In other words: If your body is like a car, a healthy thyroid keeps it cruising at 70 miles per hour, says Rocio Salas-Whalen ...
Mengetahui gejala dan penyebab hipotiroid kongenital membantu Parents mencegah masalah kesehatan ini. Simak informasi ...
Thyroid disorders are common and affect millions. Proper management includes understanding causes, early detection, and ...
A significant proportion of patients may also have only transient TSH suppression, iatrogenic subclinical hyperthyroidism or nonthyroidal illness. Serial thyroid hormone blood sample tests should ...
Neuropathy may be a more common complication of hypothyroidism than hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is the medical term for thyroid hormone levels that are higher than normal. The most common ...