I do know that Christians are commanded to pray for rulers and those in authority, because the more power a politician has, ...
The tradition of using a Bible during the swearing-in goes back to the very first inauguration, but not all Presidents have ...
Healing political division requires we revive the lost virtue of civility, grounded in universal human dignity.
Descendants of Jack the Ripper's victims have demanded a new inquest after Russell Edwards published evidence suggesting ...
The Bible doesn't have all the answers and doesn't need to be a part of school standards. It's up to us to seek wisdom and ...
The theory of mankind being spawned from one pair of humans known as Adam and Eve was previously thought to be far-fetched ...
The story of Adam and Eve, etched into the consciousness of Christians worldwide, holds a mystique that transcends religious ...
Looking back here are some thoughts on what I see as the essential differences between Judaism and Christianity, or more ...
Leader: From the east came the Magi to Bethlehem to adore the Lord; and opening their treasures they offered precious gifts: gold for the great King, incense for the true God, and myrrh in symbol ...
The effort has been made even more challenging by political sniping around the virus’ origins and by what international researchers say are moves by China to withhold evidence that could help. The ...
The true origin of the pandemic may not be known for many years — if ever. Probably more than 20 million. The World Health Organization has said member countries reported more than 7 million ...
“We continue to call on China to share data and access so we can understand the origins of Covid-19. This is a moral and scientific imperative,” the WHO said in a statement. “Without ...