Despite the devastating fire that tore through Telegraph Cove on December 2024, community members are now looking ahead to ...
In Mauritius, a discovery off the coast is changing what we know about sperm whales. After more than a decade of observation, ...
Just hours after his inauguration on Monday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order halting new federal leases for ...
“If you’re into whales,” Trump said ... that just 50 meters away it can’t be detected above background noise unless there’s no wind blowing and no boat passing in the vicinity.
Cetaceans in UK waters are nothing new. Minke whales, dolphins and porpoises are often seen off the British coast. But recent sightings of a much bigger visitor have caused both excitement and ...
Critics of the rules said the ferries to the Islands never saw right whales, and doubted cutting speeds would actually help them. I’m no marine biologist, but anecdotes like that don’t strike ...
including 5 Year Outer Continental Shelf lease plan and Rices whale (no bill). Issues related to the export of liquefied natural gas, ammonia (no bill); issues related to foreign trade and ...
“While I had hoped for mutual understanding and transparency in our relationship, it has become clear that our paths are no longer aligned ... 7 — here's the sperm donor secret, explained.
It involves a cocktail of chemicals acting as an 'artificial sperm' to trick a human egg into ... dominated society where men have little or no role. The news also creates a legal minefield ...