The bill originally banned the sale or purchase of any semi-automatic ... to reduce gun violence with an arbitrary list?” With Democrats controlling the committee, the bill is likely to pass.
A controversial gun-control bill in Colorado seems more likely to pass now that lawmakers have added a permit-to-purchase amendment. Senate Bill 3 would limit the sale of semi-automatic firearms with ...
The bill originally banned the sale or purchase of any semi-automatic ... to reduce gun violence with an arbitrary list?” With Democrats controlling the committee, the bill is likely to pass.
Straight-wall deer rifles aren’t new, but recent regulation changes have created booming demand for them. For decades, if you were a Midwest or East Coast deer hunter living in a densely populated ...
It's an AR15-patterned semi-auto in 5.56 NATO with a 1 in 7 ... They’re pros who want a pro's rifle. Ideally sized for the 22 Hornet cartridge, the Ruger 77/22, with its weather-resistant ...
The truth is that it is as good as you are, as its unbelievable TTK only matters if you are confident in your ability to hit shots with a semi-auto gun. For the average player, this might not be a ...