The asteroid was found by a group called ATLAS, which stands for Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System, in August.
Watching for changes in the Red Planet’s orbit over time could be a new way to detect passing dark matter. MIT physicists ...
New evidence suggests that billions of years ago, a star may have passed very close to our solar system. As a result, ...
A recently discovered asteroid will soon become a quasi-satellite of Earth as it loops around our planet over the next two months.
The tiny asteroid will complete a wide orbit over the course of 53 days, but don't get your hopes up about seeing it.
New simulations suggest that there are enough primordial black holes—potential dark matter candidates—in the universe for one ...
Jorg Neumann, head of Microsoft Flight Simulator, used to work at Frontier, the team behind Elite: Dangerous and Planet Zoo.
They found that if a primordial black hole came within a few hundred million miles of Mars, it could cause a slight “wobble” ...
Come 2034, humans could witness the first-ever artificial meteor shower sparked by activity in space.
Virtual reality simulated the Overview Effect effect experienced by astronauts. Brain imaging now demonstrates that participants experience the effect.
Watching for changes in Mars' orbit over time could be new way to detect passing dark matter, according to researchers.