Each nerve cell, or neuron, has three parts ... across a tiny space called a synapse, between the axons and dendrites of nearby neurons. Healing the human neurological system after injury ...
Axon pruning is a unique process neurons utilize to selectively degenerate axon branches while keeping the neuronal cell body intact. The mechanisms of axon pruning have much in common with those of ...
However, the combination of electrical and mechanical stimulations (electromechanical stimulation) and its effects on neuron proliferation and ... which have neurite, dendrite, and axon, and form ...
These are the axon, which delivers information, and the dendrites, which receive it. This exchange takes place at contact points between neurons called synapses. To send a message, a neuron releases ...
In the next sections we will review the current knowledge about the role of microglia on neuronal wiring during development, activity-dependent synaptic remodeling and pathology by microglia-neuron ...
In the second and third conditions, synapses have to be co-localized in the dendrites in order to depolarize each other sufficiently to produce Hebbian LTP. In these conditions, the postsynaptic axon ...