Ellison, known for his strict diet, has invested over $350 million in research on aging.
Billionaire Larry Ellison is garnering attention on social media for looking much younger than his actual age, 80.
Investors have been worried about how rising competition in the high-end chip market will impact the GPU leader.
Three billionaires walked into a Nobu, and two of them begged the other for something money can't buy right now.
Billionaire Oracle cofounder Larry Ellison said he expects AI surveillance systems to reach a point where all citizens are ...
The staff of Annapurna Interactive reportedly resigned en masse after a deal to spin off the group fell through.
Nuclear energy and uranium got a boost, but will it last given the long lead times to grow nuclear energy production?
Say Cheese! If Larry Ellison, the exorbitantly rich cofounder of software kings Oracle, has it his way, all of us will soon ...
David Ellison will soon take over as the entertainment giant’s CEO — but his mogul father, Larry, put in the $6 billion to ...