Humpback whale song Baleen whales are a group of 14 species, including the blue, humpback, right, minke and gray whale. Instead of teeth, the animals have plates of what is called baleen ...
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, they almost exclusively eat krill, which they strain out of huge water gulps through baleen plates. Humpback whales are filter ...
These things can tell us about the evolutionary history of whales. 'For instance, humpback whales are filter feeders, meaning they have hundreds of plates of baleen in their mouth instead of teeth.
Humpback whale populations have been increasing throughout many of their ranges since a final moratorium on commercial whaling was established in 1985 by the International Whaling Commission, NOAA ...
Right, minke, fin and sei whales also have baleen plates. All of them feed on krill, but sometimes include other sea creatures in their diets, such as copepod crustaceans and small fish. Humpback and ...