A young humpback whale that died, presumably, after it became trapped in a commercial mussel-farming line off Long Beach, Ca.
The People’s Choice winner in Oak Bay’s annual arts event is a whale of a tale featuring a work created by a Greater Victoria ...
Once hunted to the brink of extinction, the humpback whale population has recovered extensively over the past half a century.
The Sussex Dolphin Project said the 30-tonne mammals have been spotted from every between Rye, Pett Level, Fairlight, ...
Scientists are surprised by the increasing presence of humpback whales in the waters off the coast of Great Britain. Experts ...
A wildlife charity has said the number of whale sightings off the Cornish coast has "gone through the roof" in the last few ...
Over 12,000 humpback whales migrate every winter from the frigid surroundings of Alaska into the waters of Hawaii.
Trained responders at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary undertook the life-saving detangling ...
COURTESY ED LYMAN /NOAA Trained responder Maria Harvey works to entangle a humpback whale. Federal wildlife officials say two humpback whales were recently freed of life-threatening entanglements in ...
Koala and Curlew are unrelated and possibly pregnant females that have become traveling companions, which is unusual for right whales.