Discover how innovative physical therapy, smart medications, nutrition strategies and mind-body techniques are transforming ...
Engaging in physical activity seems to be beneficial to the mental health of women with chronic pelvic pain disorders.
Dance has been a part of cultures around the world throughout history as a form of self-expression, entertainment, socializing and blowing off steam. If you've ever worked up a sweat with friends on ...
A research team funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed a medication that shows promise in treating acute and chronic pain.
A scientific statement regarding pain and treatment considerations in patients with PAD has been published by the AHA.
There is also an increased risk of falls and fractures. Osteoporosis, which disproportionately affects postmenopausal ...
Many U.S. adults struggle with chronic pain every day. Small diet changes can make a big difference with reducing this burden ...