They say that change takes time. Well, that's not the case for RNA. The small biological molecule acts like a switchboard ...
Scientists have discovered that some tiny segments of RNA thought to be junk instead have a functional role in suppressing ...
UMD researchers have discovered key mechanisms in gene regulation that could improve the design of RNA-based medicines.
New gene therapy modalities, such as CRISPR guide RNA (single guide ribonucleic acid [sgRNA]) and messenger RNA (mRNA), ...
an RNA structure normalization tool used in RNA-Puzzles. the RNA 3D structure comparison metrics used in RNA-Puzzles assessment, including RMSD (all-atom), P value, Interaction Network Fidelity and ...
CRISPR-Cas systems have been exploited for targeted genome editing. CRISPR-Cas13 mediated editing of RNA corrects a common mutation in the retinal degeneration gene USH2A, and restores usherin ...