Batman: The Animated Series was brimming with intense and dynamic action scene, with the greatest fights serving as highlights from the iconic series. The episode humanizes Croc by showing his ...
Inspired by the dark reimagining of the Caped Crusader in Tim Burton’s Batman films, Batman: The Animated Series proved that superhero cartoons weren’t just gaudy colors and cheesy villains.
In the Creature Commandos finale, Doctor Phosphorus drops a big hint about how long Batman has been operating in Gotham City, ...
Batman made a surprise appearance during the latest episode of the DCU animated series Creature Commandos, and James Gunn ...
OK, so, James Gunn wouldn’t fully reveal the costume that his Batman will eventually wear in the live-action DCU. However, he ...
The finale of Creature Commandos delivered a subtle yet important hint about Batman’s timeline in James Gunn ’s DCU. While ...
In total, there are eight versions of Clayface from the comics, meaning the Clayface we see in Creature Commandos may be a ...
James Gunn has officially ushered Batman into the DCU with a subtle but significant debut in the hit animated series . The ...