The Enemy Within," a recently released crime thriller by author Rich Blecher, provides a multifaceted exploration of trust, betrayal and corruption. Published by Silver Fox Publishing, Blecher's newes ...
Scripps named several newsers to head up a company AI team in an effort to get ahead of the emerging technology. One of those hires, Christina Hartman, was named vice ...
Former FBI Special Agent Nicole Parker has a list of possibilities that Trump's nominee to lead the bureau could implement on day 1 if confirmed as director.
Check out the trailer for the highly-anticipated Apple TV+ film, 'The Gorge.' Coming Feb. 14, 2025, the film stars Miles ...
“Leave me! Beware, do not see my face again, for on the day you see my face, you shall die!” Pharaoh’s aggressive threat, as ...
Even in case of economic fluctuations or changes in demand, we believe that Capcom will be able to cover its operating expenses and repay debts with its large amount of backup cash and will not need ...
Shafilea Ahmed was abused by her parents, Farzana and Iftikhar Ahmed, over her desire to wear Western clothing and her ...
The rumored Resident Evil Zero remake has been a hot topic, and while it remains unannounced, this chapter deserves a second ...
In the back of a Bucktown curiosity shop, the unsavory gets its due.
A federal judge Tuesday halted a Trump administration plan to pause nearly all domestic federal funding. The pause was ...
Most of Yamada’s work — including her latest, The Colors Within, currently in select U.S. theaters — is slice-of-life, a popular anime genre that focuses on the mundane. She has a deep interest in ...