The Royal Hospital Chelsea as a home for old soldiers has always been associated with warfare. The Second World War however represents a unique chapter in the history of the institution as the ...
Cian Manning author of ‘I Love Me County’ provides a brief history of Waterford and its legacy. The Gentle County, Waterford, can boast a proud sporting tradition. It is as long as it is varied. It’s ...
E.J. HOUNSLOW served as junior officer with P&O before joining the Civil Service, where a great deal of his time was spent with the British Armed Forces working on joint civil/military planning. On ...
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Ian Hembrow, author of CELSIUS – A Life And Death By Degrees, reveals the bigger story behind the world’s increasingly frequent and ferocious summer wildfires. As I watched the television news, an ...
Back then, the word was a term used, not always positively, for those who lived unconventional lives. One of the most famous was Isabel Rawsthorne: artist, spy, pornographer, model and muse for some ...
“Strangely I wasn’t scared, I probably should have been, but I was eighteen years old at the time and because we were half-expecting war to be announced I remember feeling quite calm.” This is Flight ...
ALEXANDRA CHURCHILL is a researcher and historian who has contributed to and appeared in numerous television documentaries, including Timewatch (BBC2), Fighting the Red Baron (Channel 4) Titanic with ...
Jonathan Swinton has a PhD in mathematics and has worked as a mathematical biologist for thirty years, including as a Visiting Professor in the University of Oxford and as a Fellow of King’s College, ...
And other Rathlin Folk Tales from the Tommy Cecil Archive ...