Israel intensified strikes on Gaza hours after a ceasefire and hostage release deal was announced, residents and authorities in the Palestinian enclave said, and mediators sought to quell fighting ...
Negotiators reached a phased ceasefire deal on Wednesday in the war in Gaza between Israel and the militant group Hamas. Here is some reaction to the deal. U.S. PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN "I can announce a ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Wednesday mounted a robust defense of the Biden administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, arguing that its stimulus spending led to robust growth and ...
Families of Israeli hostages held in Gaza gathered on Wednesday in the Tel Aviv square where they have held rallies for more than a year, as news trickled out of the agreement struck with Hamas to ...
U.S. President Joe Biden formally announced Wednesday that a deal between Israel and Hamas was reached, which would temporarily pause the fight in Gaza and see the phased release of hostages held by ...
Crews battling multiple wildfires that raged across Los Angeles on Wednesday were up against a near-perfect storm: intense wind, low humidity and, most troubling for residents, inadequate supplies of ...
香港迪士尼樂園度假區傳訊及公共事務副總裁黎珮珊(圖)表示, 剛剛過去的聖誕節, 度假區酒店入住率超過九成, 當中超過九成住客係非本地旅客, 而聖誕節期間及除夕倒數活動, 樂園主要吸引來自本地、大灣區同東南亞地區遊客, ...
保安局長鄧炳強表示, 其中一位被誘騙到東南亞遭禁錮的港人, 早上搭乘航班返港, 並由保安局, 警隊及入境處人員在機場接回, 會與團隊會繼續跟進, 希望每位港人可安全回家. 鄧炳強在社交平台表示, 早上和團隊跟泰國駐港總領事代表團會面, ...
《經濟觀察報》報道, 萬科(02202)執行董事、總裁兼首席執行官祝九勝, 據報於昨日被公安機關帶走. 報道指, 記者曾多次致電及傳訊息, 予祝九勝及萬科董事會秘書, 均未獲回覆. 萬科多隻境內債今日大跌, 午後因幅度超過兩成被停牌的債券數量, 亦由早盤的兩隻, 增加至五隻.
中國恒大(03333)公布, 香港高等法院昨日指示, 將押後針對天基控股的清盤呈請聆訊至2025年3月12日. 股份自2024年1月29日起暫停買賣, 並將繼續停牌直至另行通知.
榮昌生物(09995)公布, 預計2024年度實現歸屬於母公司所有者的淨虧損, 約14億7,000萬元人民幣, 按年減少虧損約4,100萬元人民幣, 縮窄約百分之3. 期內, 預計營業收入約17億1,500萬元人民幣, 與上年同期相比, 將增加收入約6億3,200萬元人民幣, 按年增加約五成八; 預計歸屬於母公司所有者扣除非經常性損益後的淨虧損, 約14億9,800萬元人民幣, 與上年同期相比, ...
日本指, 30年內發生南海海槽大地震發生的機會率, 增加至8成, 內閣官房長官林芳正呼籲做好應急準備. 日本地震調查委員會昨日, 將假設30年內會出現, 達黎克特制8至9級的南海海槽大地震, 發生的機會率, 由2018至2024年的7至8成, 增加至8成左右. 林芳正表示, 高度緊迫的狀態不變, 重要的是平時切實做好防災準備, 他透露將討論設立防災廳, 爭取強化預算和人員體制.