The American Academy of Dermatology is the largest, most influential, and representative dermatology group in the United States. Find resources on membership, AAD meetings, education, practice ...
The American Academy of Dermatology’s award-winning monthly magazine, DermWorld, seeks candidates to serve as its next paid physician editor. The Physician Editor is appointed for an initial four-year ...
Even though everyone’s hair turns gray, you’re not alone if it feels distressing to see the first silvery stands. For many people, gray hair is the first sign of aging they see — and one they’d like ...
A wearable blue-light device differs greatly from the phototherapy treatments that you receive at a hospital or psoriasis treatment center. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a ...
Head lice affects about 6 to 12 million children, ages 3 to 12, each year in the U.S. To spot the signs of head lice early and help prevent an infestation from spreading, follow these tips from ...
For women, the first noticeable sign of hair loss is often a widening part or less fullness to their ponytail. Millions of people develop these signs of hair loss, which tend to appear gradually.
Also called topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs) The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved these medications to treat atopic dermatitis (eczema), not psoriasis. It’s perfectly acceptable, ...
When building a skin care routine, it’s important to remember that products don’t need to be expensive to be effective. Adopting a simple, three-step approach that includes cleansing, moisturizing, ...
When psoriasis develops on the scalp, hair loss sometimes follows. While hair tends to regrow once the scalp psoriasis clears, there are things you can do right now to prevent further hair loss.
Many people who get the virus that causes herpes never see or feel anything. If signs (what you see) or symptoms (what you feel) occur, a person may experience: Tingling, itching, or burning. Before ...
If you have what feels like razor bumps or acne on the back of your neck or scalp, you may have acne keloidalis nuchae. Find out what can help. A dermatologist is a medical doctor who specializes in ...
When your scalp itches, it can be difficult to think about anything else. You may feel that the itch will never stop, but relief is possible. Getting rid of the itch begins with finding out why your ...