The exit of the three Sahelian states thus provides a unique and rare opportunity for ECOWAS to develop without their baggage.
A 171-mile road project in a landlocked country in Africa is set to improve transport connections and provide a much-needed economic boost.
Following the ignominious end in 2022 of Barkhane, the multi-country anti-terrorism operation it launched at Mali’s request in 2013, France has given up most of its military footprint across west ...
Supporters of the military junta take part in a march to celebrate Niger's withdrawal from the Economic Community of West ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) congratulates Niger for having met the criteria for onchocerciasis elimination, making it ...
Niger is the first African country and fifth in the world to eliminate onchocerciasis, also known as 'river blindness', a ...
Danso, security and international relations expert, says the exit of three junta-led states from the West Africa ...
The Sahel region is a geographical belt in Africa that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea, between the Sahara ...
The Sahel states of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, are officially leaving the regional economic bloc ECOWAS on Wednesday, ...
The Sahelian State Exodus, Regional Stability and Nigeria Leadership Litmus Test - Can Abuja Steer a New Path?
Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger accused a regional bloc known as ECOWAS of having double standards in punishing their military ...
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Yusuf Maitama Tuggar, has described as complex the reason for the exit of Burkina ...