On Tuesday, the German newspaper Bild reported on the discovery by historian Mirko Kühn of a secret underground Nazi aircraft ...
King pledges to lend his watercolours to Polish cultural centre in London - Charles visited the Polish Social and Cultural ...
An Orlando neo-Nazi who plotted to destroy the Baltimore power grid with his girlfriend hoped to start a race war, court ...
Juhani Sebastian Lämsä, who has a history of neo-Nazi activity, faces two counts of attempted murder in relation to an attack ...
It's well documented that Musk's maternal grandfather was involved in controversial movements and political parties.
Unverified and conflicting rumors circulated about the attacker’s possible motives, with speculation ranging from neo-Nazi ...
The leader of a neo-Nazi group faces up to 20 years in prison after a federal jury in Maryland found him guilty this week of ...
Macquarie University vice chancellor S. Bruce Dowton was grilled by Mr Burns during a hearing on Wednesday after he refused ...
The 34-year-old has been charged with displaying a prohibited symbol and is expected to face court next month.
The former Polish residence of the Nazi commandant at Auschwitz will soon open its doors to the public as a center dedicated ...
Attorney General describes US president’s untruths as being ‘on a different scale’ and ‘of a different nature’ from other ...