We all have either experienced or know someone battling depression, and it's one of the most challenging topics to discuss.
My dog and I love going out for walks, especially now that spring is here. However, the pests are out there also. How soon ...
Doggerel! There I said it. Sometimes words just wander through my mind on their way to somewhere else. That one drifted through just the other morning as I was accompanying Lucy, the Ambassador of ...
Some legacies are built on love, others on survival. On “Junkyard Dog,” the latest single from Texas-raised, Brooklyn-based ...
If you've ever felt like there was someone else with you even though you knew you were completely alone...well, you just might have experienced "third man syndrome." ...
Poet Katie Berta will read her poetry at UNK next week. She shared that she always considered herself to be a writer even as ...
New details in case of Levante Williams” “CA lawmakers propose bills on bilingual education, jury duty exemptions” “Residents assess damage after deadly storms ...
The poem “Joan our Icon” is reprinted with kind permission from About Now by Richard Reeve (Maungatua Press, $25), named by poetry czar Nick Ascroft in ReadingRoom in December as the best collection ...
The Colorado Springs Chorale, along with Chamber Orchestra of the Springs, will debut internationally-known composer Anne M.
Berta, who calls Phoenix, Arizona, home, will stop in Kearney to share her work at 7 p.m. Tuesday at Discovery Hall on the ...
Author and poet Sarah Trudgeon lives in Great Barrington, Mass., but she stays connected to South Florida through poetry: for ...
I remember just being astonished by the representations of the gods. The omnipresence of the gods in the world of the Iliad, ...