On Tuesday, the Buffalo community came together to spread awareness about sickle cell disease during Black History Month.
Kyle Registre's childhood dream of becoming a pilot can finally come true now that he says he's been cured of sickle cell ...
SSM Health Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital partners with Eye See Me African Bookstore to provide books promoting ...
An Oxfordshire university student is among those set to receive a "transformative" gene-therapy treatment on the NHS for sickle cell disease.
READ MORE: NHS rolls out super simple blood test that's game-changing for anyone hoping to donate a kidney The Trust accepted that if the smear - which showed moderate to severe high grade cell ...
Health workers in the eastern district of Budaka in Bukedi Sub-region have registered a decline in cases of sickle cell disease that had deeply affected families and communities in the district.
The cervical cancer smear test, also known as a Pap test, looks for abnormal cells in the cervix that could develop into cervical cancer. The test checks for the human papillomavirus (HPV), which ...
Binky was told if she didn’t have the abnormal cells removed it could affect her chances of having a baby but luckily, today she has three children and is urging others to book a smear test in ...
In 2009 a team of biophysicists led by Anthony A. Hyman of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany, were studying specklelike structures called P ...
A woman who survived cervical cancer has advocated the importance of smear tests after she said ... The test involves taking a sample of cells from the cervix. If any abnormal cells are found ...
Women are needlessly suffering agonising pain during cervical screening tests because they fail to ask for simple adjustments that can make the procedure far more comfortable, experts have warned ...