BJKAS, %51,01 oranında BEŞİKTAŞ JİMNASTİK KULÜBÜ DERNEĞİ %48,99 oranında DİĞER iştiraklerine aittir. BJKAS genel müdürlük görevini ise üstlenmektedir. BIST piyasalarında oluşan tüm verilere ait telif ...
$50 off is one of the deepest discounts we've seen in the lifespan of the Potensic ATOM SE, and it drops it down to a very digestible $250. This lightweight drone doesn't require FAA registration ...
Untamed terrain and unpredicatble weather conditions offer drivers the ultimate test of endurance. Challenging features to navigate include mud, rocks, fine sand and difficult water crossings ...
Based in London, Alan is Europe & Middle East correspondent at Air Transport World. A daily newspaper journalist in the UK and Middle East for 15 years, he then joined the UK's most successful ...