The working of a quantum computer is based on the principles of quantum mechanics, an area of physics that deals with the smallest particles in the universe. Physicist Richard Feynman proposed the ...
The new Willow chip performed a computation in under five minutes that would take a supercomputer 10 septillion years.
Scientists at Brown University have discovered a new class of quantum particles known as fractional excitons, which exhibit ...
For example: physics traditionally tells us that all particles can be classified into one of two types, either bosons or ...
Quantum computers require extreme cooling to perform reliable calculations. One of the challenges preventing quantum ...
A century ago, physics had its Darwinian moment — a change in perspective that was as consequential for the physical sciences ...
A tiny quantum “refrigerator” can ensure that a quantum computer’s calculations start off error-free – without requiring ...
Scientists at Macquarie University have discovered a novel way to enhance quantum sensor performance using ordinary grapes.
European consortium for new quantum frontiers get 3.2 million euros from EU to boost silicon-based quantum technologies.
Google's latest quantum processor 'Willow' shows promise in solving complex problems, sparking hope for future quantum ...