Linn County’s Alliance for Equitable Housing is still seeking landlords to participate in a pilot program announced in ...
A fed-up landlord has put his “shameless” tenant on blast by slapping massive signs on his St. Albans, Queens, property ...
A couple were left living in fear of bailiffs descending on their home - chasing up a £500 debt owed by a previous occupier.
Residents at Sundowner Court in Ocean Village were told to leave their homes two weeks ago after an inspection found the ...
The text message exchange was shared on live radio by host Hayley Sproull, who created an amusing song from the messages.
Jaipur: Although the city police initiated criminal proceedings under specific BNS sections against homeowners for not furnishing domestic help detail.
In this week’s Realty Law column, Scott Mollen discusses two commercial landlord-tenant cases: “HCJV 115 & 135 Hoyt Avenue ...
Experts offer tips on what tenants should do to avoid eviction, or when they fall behind on rent and get a court summons.
The lawsuit claims RRHA knowingly violated federal law that requires them to offer a rent exemption to tenants facing extreme ...
Residents at Sycamore Place say a new property management company hasn't fixed concerns about vanishing amenities, rental ...
THREE-MICHELIN-STARRED Odette and heritage eatery National Kitchen by Violet Oon are the only restaurants that survived a major shake-up of food and beverage (F&B) tenants at the National Gallery ...
Current and former tenants of Milwaukee landlord Youssef "Joe" Berrada's companies wondering how they may be impacted by state's recent settlement of a suit against the rental kingpin can find ...