It was the early morning of Nov. 23, 1963 when my mother – a conservative closed Catholic or “cerrada Catolica” as they say in Spanish – woke me up saying with fervent urgency: “reza tu para el ...
Burleson resident and long-time President John F. Kennedy assassination researcher Chris Gallop said he hopes to find new information but harbors few hopes of final resolution from recently released ...
Donald Trump made waves by releasing thousands of classified files related to the 1963 assassination of President John F.
On Thursday afternoon, two days after the federal government released a trove of classified documents related to President ...
Previously classified documents related to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy have been released following ...
The JFK assassination files do not rule out the possibility of a second shooter and a wider conspiracy being involved in the 1963 shooting, according to an expert.
He fired three shots from a 6.5-millimeter Italian Mannlicher-Carcano rifle from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza. The first shot missed. The second struck Texas Gov ...
From the burning monk of Vietnam to the JFK assassination, these powerful images remain seared into the American consciousness today. Each new decade in American history has brought substantial ...