An implant for sleep apnea is one of the few CPAP alternatives. This article compares hypoglossal nerve stimulation and ...
Researchers reported a spine-stimulating implant might aid neurodegenerative diseases like spinal muscle atrophy.
MicroTransponder recently announced positive real-world outcomes for its Vivistim vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) system.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Three people with a muscle-destroying disease destined to worsen got a little stronger – able to stand and walk more easily – when an implanted device zapped their spinal cord.
Three patients with spinal muscular atrophy had improved muscle strength and could walk farther after a month of daily spinal stimulation.
In such cases, consideration should be given to implantation of a gastric electrical stimulator ... At our Center for Gastrointestinal Nerve and Motor Function, approximately 50% of patients ...
while O’Brien’s project ‘DeepStim’ is focused on developing a digitally enabled electroconductive patient-specific stimulation implant for spinal cord injuries. O’Brien explained to ...