Letter writers endorse Tommy Leeman for Norfolk mayor, warn against collective bargaining for public employees, and argue ...
CLARKSON — I want to thank the lady who wrote the letter to the editor on Aug. 29 (“Where there is joy, there is hope”). Soon we will be voting to elect a new president. One candidate was a ...
I have followed and read numerous articles of the LENRD board meetings in the Norfolk Daily News. When Ms. Temple was running to be elected for this position, no mention was ever made by her that once ...
NORFOLK — What would each of us do if we were free from financial boundaries? Would we serve public office for free? Members on Lower Elkhorn NRD Board of Directors get a wage of $0. It’s true. They ...
Tim Sheehy joked about one of his experiences as “a great way to bond with all the Indians while they’re drunk at 8 a.m.” or throwing beer cans at cultural events. He then repeated his racist remarks ...
However, the bill also eliminates the property tax credit for the year 2023, and that’s the bad news, which in turn makes it a property tax increase for 2023. The State of Nebraska needs to rectify ...
STANTON — During Tuesday night’s debate, Fox News reported that ABC, which was monitoring the presidential affair, fact-checked Donald Trump a total of six times while not fact-checking Kamala Harris ...
LINCOLN — In response to “Gov. Pillen targets fake meat in new executive order, seeks total ban on sales in 2025,” Jim Pillen’s executive order unfairly suffocates competitive innovation and is ...
Or consider that with constant access to information sources such as email, social media and 24-hour television news, it becomes difficult to unplug ... demanding situations that eat at the soul.
STANTON — Government subsidies have corrupted the “market system” to the extent that we no longer know the true value of goods and services. The wind energy business is a practical example. Having ...
BEEMER — Fellow Nebraskans, here is a sampling how Nebraska native, Minnesota Governor Walz fundamentally changed Minnesota: Has an F-rating with NRA (incorrectly reported by “All Things Nebraska” ...