The show recently confirmed production with beloved actor Nam Joo Hyuk. Firefighters bravely fought off a potential blazing hazard on a drama set reportedly being used for filming the Netflix ...
The streaming giant, Netflix, announced the cast of East Palace which confirmed the entry of Nam Joo Hyuk (Twenty-Five Twenty-One fame), Roh Yoon Seo (Crash Course in Romance fame), and Seung Woo ...
Firefighters bravely fought off a potential blazing hazard on a drama set reportedly being used for filming the Netflix series, “East Palace” (working title). Over a week ago, the streaming ...
Bollywood stars took to social media to extend heartfelt birthday wishes to Farhan Akhtar. Check them out here!
On December 21, 2024, a fire reportedly broke out on the set of Netflix’s highly anticipated historical K-drama East Palace (working title), starring Nam Joo-hyuk, Roh Yoon-seo, and Cho Seung-woo.
Is the justice system enough? According to trainee police officer Kim Ji-yong (Nam Joo-hyuk), the answer is a resounding "no," particularly due to the traumatic tragedies of his childhood where ...
When the Phone Rings has finally released the awaited final episodes on January 3 and 4. With the plot taking an unexpected turn, here's the untangling of all the knots and answer to all your doubts.
The Korean studio behind the 'Solo Leveling' webtoon, Redice Entertainment, has entered into the international film sales ...
Not many K-dramas celebrated a good start in the New Year except Love Scout. Expectations are high for Park Bo Gum, Song Joong Ki & Lee Jong Suk's TV return.