Bases tend to be out away from major metropolitan areas, leaving few transportation options for troops who don't own a car.
An Orange County couple was deported to Colombia after living in the U.S. for decades with no criminal record.
As part of an Army pilot program, ride-sharing drivers on six bases won’t need to get a visitor’s pass for each trip.
Reflecting on my recent trip to take part in the 80th anniversary commemoration of the Long March, the words that keep coming to my mind are “once in a lifetime.” The opportunity to be as connected to ...
Chairperson of UGM Student Executive Board Tiyo Ardianto faced various forms of threats and intimidation following the ...
“At a moment of crisis for all of our veterans, the VA's system of health care and benefits has been disastrously and disgracefully put on the chopping block by the Trump administration,” said Sen.
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A federal judge in New Jersey has issued a temporary ban on the removal of two transgender men from the Air Force, following a similar ruling last week from a judge in Washington, ...