And the “marriage Kool-aid,” if you will, is thrust even more forcefully upon women in many religious communities. When I heard about Peltzman’s paper, my first question was, “What ...
We also talked to Tony Doris, the editorial page editor of the Palm Beach Post who was fired after he ran an editorial cartoon that some Jewish advocates called antisemitic. And we asked why ...
More than 900 idealistic devotees of self-proclaimed “god” Reverend Jim Jones – including 300 children – perished in a self-styled “revolutionary act”, mainly from drinking Flavor Aid ...
In celebration of the Total Lunar Eclipse on March 14, Capri Sun is heading for the Moon with its first-ever glow-in-the-dark pouch. Rolling out nationwide later this month, Moon Punch features eight ...
Iqbal Restaurant behind Wendy’s on Hamdan Street for the chicken karahi (Dh14) Pathemari in Navy Gate for prawn biryani (from Dh12 to Dh35) Abu Al Nasar near Abu Dhabi Mall, for biryani (from Dh12 to ...