Experts discuss their experience using Philips LumiGuide; the value of 3D, color visualization; the learning curve; and its ...
Results: Arteriography confirmed mesenteric artery patency in all animals ... Ivancev K. Endovascular repair of descending thoracic aortic aneurysms: an early experience with intermediate-term ...
Contemporary embolization strategies for active sac management during EVAR.
“The vast majority of the literature is really on heart disease in women,” Kim told TCTMD, noting that this includes coronary artery ... aneurysm (TAA) and acute aortic syndromes, such as dissection.
Via a "hockey stick" incision (gridiron incision extended medially in a curved fashion) in the iliac fossa (Figure 1 ... on the SFA and profunda femoris artery (PFA), sometimes with the addition ...
Catheterization of the right and left sides of the heart with the use of percutaneous catheters introduced through the right femoral vein and artery ... Operative repair of the aneurysm seems ...
However, the cumulative risk of graft migration appears to be higher in patients who required additional proximal aortic extenders at the time of the initial endovascular repair. Presented at the ...
Thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) and complex endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR ... into a renal or visceral artery (proximal aortic zones 6–8 and distal aortic zones 9–11) and extent I to ...
After undergoing successful iliac artery endofibrosis surgery in late October, Shirin van Anrooij is anticipating a return to competition at the Navarra Classic, Itzulia, and Vuelta a Burgos, all ...