uq.edu.au Purpose Gluteal tendinopathy (GT) is a source of lateral hip pain, yet common clinical diagnostic tests have limited validity. Patients with GT are often misdiagnosed, resulting in ...
When giving gluteal injections ... depending on the extent of the lesion. Early (within 2 months) physiotherapy may provide a better chance of recovery (Bourrel & Souvestre, 1982).
Branchial cleft cysts (BCCs) are another common type of congenital neck lesion. They can occur in various locations and may lead to complications, particularly infections. A case report ...
Around one in 700 babies worldwide are born with a cleft lip or palate. However, many parents and carers have little idea of how clefts affect children’s ability to make speech sounds and learn ...
A pilonidal sinus is a small, abnormal opening inside your butt cheeks. When the sinus becomes infected, it will form a painful cyst that is typically filled with pus, hair, and dead skin.
The immune system damages myelin, forming lesions or “plaques”. Over the years, many of these plaques or scar tissue occur throughout the brain, leading to increasing disability. But can also ...
The pain began following a low-energy fall. During the 1-year period, she had multiple lesions in the thigh and gluteal region, which were surgically excised. She was evaluated and diagnosed with ...
Unilateral vs bilateral dimples. Photo: Westend61, MoMo Productions (modified by author) These symmetrical indentations are visible on the human lower back, above the gluteal cleft and on either side ...
The type of ovarian cyst and the underlying cause are factors. For example, treatment of a chronic condition like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is approached differently than a functional cyst, ...
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