Curators at George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate sought out rare 18th-century wallpaper for an ongoing restoration project ...
Researchers just uncovered two 18th-century cherry bottles in the cellar of George Washington's Mount Vernon home. The green bottles contained a liquid researchers believe may be groundwater, as well ...
Vernon, studies the domestic life, foodways, and religious practices of the residents of George Washington's plantation, with a special interest in the slave community. Excerpted with permission ...
Here's a look at the typical schedule he stuck to when he was at his Mount Vernon plantation. George Washington is widely regarded as the father of the United States. It's not surprising why.
George Washington was the son of Augustine Washington (1694-1743) and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington (1708-1789). The Washington family moved to Ferry Farm Plantation in 1738. Located on the ...
George Washington wore many hats ... founding father with a great deal of responsibility managing the family's plantation. Source: Not much else is known about his childhood.
Feb. 22, 1732 George Washington is born in a modest house at Popes Creek, Westmoreland County, Virginia. His father, Augustine, is a plantation owner who dies when George is 11. June 15 ...
If Washington the businessman and plantation owner was accustomed to being obeyed, he knew that being president was another matter. In early 1790, near the end of his first year in office ...
YORK, Maine — The search for a rare 18th-century wallpaper has led the curation staff of George Washington’s historic Mount Vernon plantation to York, Maine. According to Mount Vernon Curator ...