Sometimes the graft is a man-made blood vessel. The graft will carry blood from the femoral artery in your groin to the tibial artery in your lower leg or foot. This surgery is also known as ...
Two episodes of arterial embolism occurred before death, one to the right popliteal artery one month before ... since both popliteal embolism and acute femoral thrombosis occur in a significant ...
You may need to spend one or two days in bed if the surgery involves the large artery in your abdomen called the aorta. Most people stay in the hospital for four to seven days. After femoral popliteal ...
For example, occlusion of the popliteal artery results in profound ... of acute peripheral arterial occlusion. The superficial femoral artery is the most common site of atherosclerotic narrowing.
The SirPAD (Major adverse limb events in patients with femoro-popliteal and below-the-knee ... of SIRONA--the largest superficial femoral artery (SFA) trial comparing our device against paclitaxel ...